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AppSec Decoded: Security at the speed of DevOps

Black Duck Editorial Staff

Jun 09, 2022 / 1 min read

In the world of DevOps, faster production is an important business objective. But without integrating security effectively into the build process, production-level code can carry defects that are attractive targets for hackers to exploit. With the nature of cyberattacks today, organizations that fail to establish effective DevSecOps initiatives can end up with time-intensive production delays, data breaches, and a tarnished reputation.

Application security testing tools have enabled DevOps teams to identify security flaws before they become a bigger problem. Tools like software composition analysis, as well as static, dynamic, and interactive application security testing all uncover vulnerabilities at various points within the software development life cycle, but it is important for testing to uncover security insights downstream in the IDE as well. On top of having a robust set of testing tools, application security teams need to determine which tools they need, where to run them, and when.

But running testing for multiple tools is only one part of the challenge for security and development teams. There’s also developer tool fatigue from the volume of data that is generated. Organizations need a way to correlate and prioritize the data from their tools, so they have a complete picture of the risk visibility and how to tackle it.

In this episode of AppSec Decoded, our cybersecurity experts, Natasha Gupta, security solutions manager at Synopsys, and Taylor Armerding, security advocate of Synopsys, discuss why DevSecOps initiatives stall or fail and what organizations can do to build security into their development processes at the speed their business demands.

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