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Wormwood – An Explicit Way to Test Absinthe GraphQL APIs

Black Duck Editorial Staff

Sep 29, 2019 / 4 min read

We love GraphQL at Synopsys! We use it extensively in our Elixir and Phoenix powered API scanner. We try to test out code using ExUnit whenever possible to help ensure a stable and smooth development cycle. Testing an Absinthe GraphQL API usually follows the pattern of: Setting up a ConnCase, making the request, and then validating that the data returned from the request was valid. A lot like the following:

This works well! But as a result we may accumulate a whole lot of boilerplate code for setting up these Plug Conns and parsing their results. Not to mention the frequent module attributes and strings used to contain our GraphQL queries inside the unit test module itself. We figured there’s probably a better way to write these sorts of tests that can leverage the power of the Absinthe library itself, rather than sending HTTP requests during a test run.

After some experimentation we created Wormwood, a small and open source Elixir library to assist with Absinthe GraphQL document testing in ExUnit. We can eliminate large chunks of Plug.Conn boilerplate, remove static strings of query code, explicitly scope a module to a single query document and schema, and call our GraphQL API like this instead:

In the above snippet, Wormwood is loading, parsing and validating the query document at compile time, then, it runs that loaded query against the specified schema using Absinthe itself. With this method of GraphQL testing, it’s super explicit which query document we are testing, it’s also clear which schema we are executing it against. We also gain the benefit to test against the errors that Absinthe can return at the different phases of the pipeline, and even control the pipeline itself! (More on that later.)

Using Wormwood in Your Own App

We’ll break down each of the steps for utilizing Wormwood in your own testing setup. You can get (and contribute to!) Wormwood on our GitHub! Wormwood is also available on the Hex package repository. Some of the example code shown in this post is available in the repo itself.

The first requirement for using Wormwood is to break out your queries into individual GQL files. While this may sound excessive, it offers a lot of power in terms of code coverage, and project organization. You can read more about using individual GraphQL files with Webpack in the Apollo docs, it’s pretty simple to set up. Once you have all your documents broken out into files, we can select the ones we want to test, and make accompanying ExUnit test modules for them.

Let’s say we have this GQL document:

And our imported fragment is just a simple set of reusable attributes, it looks like this:

We can then create a basic ExUnit test module we’ll call “get_users_test.exs”, and we’ll load our schema and the GQL document into the module using the “load_gql/2” macro.

Let’s break down what Wormwood is doing here:

When “load_gql/2” is executed it attaches two special  attributes to the module it was called from, they are assigned the Absinthe schema from the first argument, and the full source text of the query file from the second argument. Wormwood will expand all import statements it can find, and will raise an exception if it cannot find a file or if it could not validate the syntax of the full query with Absinthe.

Now that our module has a schema and document assigned, we can query it using the simple “query_gql/1” function:

Our query results now live in the “query_data” variable. If we inspect it, we can see that our results are returned in vanilla Elixir lists and maps:

If you have a deeply nested structure, a good tip is to use the Elixir Kernel function “get_in\2”, which takes the structure you want to access data from, and a list of keys or access functions to retrieve specific members. For example, if I wanted to fetch the id of the first user in this big query result I could simply do the following:

More Advanced Queries

The above example is just a simple demo of how to use Wormwood in your testing suite. Wormwood supports a few more options and configurations when testing. Below is a quick list of the features, along with snippets to show how it’s done. You can also dig around in the examples folder on the GitHub repo.

Running a Query With Variables and Context

You can pass the same options keyword list you would pass to “” into the “query_gql/1” function. Refer to the Absinthe docs on the exact options, and their usage. If we wanted to pass a variable into this query we can just leverage the options Absinthe provides:

The same can be done for context if you want to fake something like authentication:

Running a raw string, rather than a GQL file

Of course if you don’t want to break out your GQL documents into files, you can still assign them to a test module as a raw string. Rather than calling “load_gql/2”, call “set_gql/2”:

Wormwood will still expand import statements when using raw strings! They will be relative to the current working directory, which is usually your app root directory.

Running a Query With a Custom Absinthe Pipeline

If at any point you wish to modify the pipeline that Absinthe uses for executing a document loaded into a module, you can do so by composing a list of pipeline Phases, and passing them into the “query_gql_with_pipeline/2” function like so:

Wormwood was born out of specific quirks we ran into while testing our API Scanner, we hope you find it useful as well! It aims to help accelerate and improve the way GraphQL tests are written within ExUnit. If you have stars, issues or contributions, feel free to leave any of them on the official GitHub repo!

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