Onboard and start scanning code in minutes, and automate testing easily with built-in SCM, CI, and issue-tracking integrations.
Maximize value and minimize expense with no hardware to deploy or software to update, and no limits on team size or scan frequency.
Dynamic and adaptable, capable of rapidly scaling, reconfiguring, and reallocating resources to meet changing needs and priorities.
Find and fix security defects in proprietary code and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates with fast incremental scanning that delivers accurate results and dramatically reduces scan times by limiting analysis to code that has changed since the last scan.
Polaris brings our market-leading security analysis engines together in a unified platform, giving you the flexibility to run different tests at different times based on application, project, schedule, or SDLC events.
Identify vulnerabilities in your application’s software supply chain with detailed guidance to help you assess severity and impact as well as potential workaround and upgrade options.
Streamline dynamic testing for web applications. Perform quick, self-serve scans that require minimal setup and are designed for the modern web's complexities.