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Virtually every application today contains open source. And for good reason. Open source lowers development and maintenance costs while allowing organizations to focus their resources on creating new and innovative products. In many industries, open source also facilitates interoperability, flexibility, and customization.

Organizations that offer software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications may assume they have a "free pass" when it comes to adhering to open source licenses. In truth, there are many restrictions and obligations that SaaS companies need to be aware of. 

This white paper examines the potential pitfalls of using open source in SaaS applications. All are manageable, but they can't be ignored.

Download the paper to learn:

  • Legal considerations such as hosting and patent-related clauses
  • Security considerations, including the Apache Struts breach that cost Equifax $1.4b
  • Operational considerations such as notice and attribution
  • Strategic considerations such as on-premises vs. cloud hosting